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FemTech and Longevity
The Impact of FemTech on Women's Longevity
Aging is a progressive functional decline with age, ultimately culminating in death, including a deterioration in available physiological capacity (to maintain the baseline homeostasis) and in hormonal activity, a reduced fitness, an increase in vulnerability, and irreversible age-related processes of loss of viability and a decrease in fecundity. Globally, the median age of the population is increasing. There are numerous ill societal and economic consequences of an increasingly aging population. These consequences can be circumvented by ensuring that while there are more older adults, there is a corresponding increase in the age to which people remain healthy and productive.
Women live longer than men and are more susceptible to mental health disorders such as depression, which also has a knock-on effect on physical health and longevity. Additionally, women’s reproductive age is a lot shorter than men’s. Men produce millions of sperms starting from puberty until they die. However, a female fetus is born with a predetermined number of eggs that she will have starting from puberty until her mid to late forties. Therefore, reproductive health is not only sexist but also ageist.
Like any other normal physiological process, aging has some predetermining factors such as genetics and ethnicity. However, these factors cannot be changed. Some practical ways and tools can, however, be implemented to control aging.

Aging Theories: Review
The general concept of aging includes 3 aspects:
Chronological age, determined by the life expectancy of a person according to the passport.
Psychological age denotes a particular, qualitatively unique stage of ontogenetic development, conditioned by the formation of the organism, living conditions, and learning.
Biological age reflects the degree of the morphological and physiological development of the organism. The introduction of 'biological age' is explained by the fact that chronological age is not a sufficient criterion for an aging person's health status and working capacity.
Biological age during aging manifests by the deterioration of vital functions of the body, slower adaptation to environmental and internal changes, the occurrence of age-related diseases inevitably leading to death and shortening of life expectancy. These features reflect the course of biological time and the associated increase of biological age. Today, some biomarkers allow us to estimate a person's biological age, which may differ from the chronological age.

Hallmarks of Aging
Aging research has experienced an unprecedented advance over recent years, particularly with the discovery that the rate of aging is controlled, at least to some extent, by genetic pathways and biochemical processes conserved in evolution. For the first time in 2013, a classification of 9 potential vital traits that are common to the aging process was formed.

Longevity in FemTech

Source: (1) World Bank
FemTech Longevity Companies Regional Distribution
Geographically, most FemTech Longevity companies are based in North America, particularly in the US (58% of companies). There is only one company in Canada with a Longevity focus — Endoceutics. Europe is the second-largest region, with a 26% share. The FemTech Longevity subsector is somewhat less represented in Asian countries, MENA, and Australia.

FemTech Longevity Companies by Revenue Overview
The largest number of companies comprising 53% out of total in the FemTech Longevity subsector show revenue estimated in the range from $1 million to $10 million. The revenue of about 7% of companies does not exceed $1 million, while 20% of players have revenue from $10 million to $50 million.

Longevity in FemTech: Funding of Companies
Funding of companies in the FemTech Longevity subsector totaled over $2.6 billion in 2021, with 81% falling to the top 10 market players.

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